The Design Professionals have the inside scoop on design in New York, Florida, Texas or California—each of the Cohen Design Center locations. Providing a unique consulting and buying program for those who aren't currently working with a designer, they extend the coveted access to textiles and furnishings within the design centers.
Here's more from the DDB's Design Professional Kate Bergeron.
GDG: What do you enjoy most about your work at the DDB?
KB: What I think is so cool about the buying service is that there are a lot of creative people out there who aren't licensed designers that I get to work with. These creative people may also, for one reason or another, not be interested in working with a designer. I love when I am able to give a really excited client access to the building so that they can have that total artistic control.
GDG: Where did your interest in design originate?
KB: I feel pretty confident that I would eventually pursue a career in the design industry after my grade school teacher told me I was "destined to live a creative life." I have to be honest, I didn't entirely understand her words at the time, but I knew that, for better or for worse, I was a keen observer (with a pinch of neuroticism) of every detail around me. This was especially the case when it came to art and design.

As an adult, I think my interest in design, especially interior design, stems from always wanting to feel happy, inspired and at peace in whatever space I'm in. Design is largely responsible for that.
GDG: Can you share a fun fact about yourself?
KB: I know I'm not the only one, but I like to collect one really special thing from the places I've traveled. These things are often inexpensive or free. I got an amazing, Greek-inspired vase from a flea-market in Berlin for 10€. I also found this little coral and wood formation buried in the sand while swimming in Anguilla, that conveniently stands upright and holds some of my jewelry! Without a doubt, I smile every time I look at these things!
Stay tuned to GoDesignGo for more from the Cohen Design Centers' Design Professionals.
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