Friday, September 14, 2012

Wharton + Espinosa enters the PDC

Big things are happening at the PDC! Design Loves Art announced that they are thrilled to be holding opening receptions for 15 gallery exhibits on September 19. Of those 15, three brand new galleries are hitting the second floor of the blue building, Wharton + Espinosa, being one of them.

Annie Wharton, Co-Director of Wharton + Espinosa (formerly Annie Wharton Los Angeles), decided it was time for a change. After two years of running her space, Annie Wharton Los Angeles, she has teamed up with artist John Espinosa for a brand new gallery.

Annie Wharton

“He came to me with 3 different proposals,” said Wharton. “The one I most gravitated to was an unexpected surprise, to partner with me as gallery co-directors and build out one space. Wharton + Espinosa was born and we took of running.”

The first exhibit, opening on September 19, will run for about and month and will feature artist Eli Langer. According to John Espinosa, Langer’s work will set the stage for their gallery and future exhibits to come.

“It’s about the attitude and tone that Eli's practice and persona are known for,” said Espinosa. “His precise balance of chaos and beauty was the perfect way to set the demeanor of the new gallery identity.”

John Espinosa

So, what can we expect to see from this re-vamped gallery?

Much of the old Annie Wharton Los Angeles will shine through, but the pair wants to focus on their collaborative efforts as artists and really work together to bring the best to their new space.

“I am interested in the dynamism that can be created when two brash minds interface,” said Wharton. “I am also particularly intrigued by the unique nexus of art and design inherent here at the PDC, and will be investigating that rich topic in future research.”

For more information about the gallery visit the Wharton + Espinosa website. And for more information about the PDC or Design Loves Art click here.

Photographs courtesy of Kelly Cousins and Wharton + Espinosa

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