Monday, September 17, 2012

Hudson|Linc enters the PDC

Here comes another brand new PDC gallery! Hudson|Linc will join Wharton + Espinosa for Design Loves Art with their debut exhibit, on September 19.

Co-Curated by Nick Lisica and Steven Wolkoff, Hudson|Linc’s first exhibit will feature four Los Angeles based artists working in a faux naïve style.

“My co-curator Steven, he kind of saw this moment in LA that looked like young MFA students are purposely taking a naïve look at things,” said Lisica. “They are extremely talented and professionally educated but they are approaching things very differently.”

The artists that will be showing their work in this exhibit entitled, Neo-Americana, include Gavin Bunner, Zeal Harris, Ami Tallman and Dan Van Clapp.

“I think everyone we are using has interesting work in all different styles, but they’ve never been shown together before,” said Lisica. “Seeing them together will be very interesting.”

The exhibit opens on September 19, as a part of Design Loves Art’s new gallery launches, and will run for about a month.

For more information about Hudson|Linc visit their website. And for more information about the PDC or Design Loves Art click here.

Take a look back and learn about the opening of Wharton + Espinosa, here.

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