Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Meet the Designers: Hinson Joins the Donghia Family (Part 2 of 3)

Yesterday, we got some of the behind-the-scenes details on Donghia's recent announcement of its distribution of Hinson & Company from Hinson CEO and Owner Olivier Peardon. Now we're learning more about where Hinson is today and where it’s headed.

GDG: How has the Hinson brand evolved since you began working with the company?

OP: It’s become very focused, overall. We have reduced the size of the fabric and wallpaper collections in order to support them better and increase their stock levels. The brand will always remain true to its roots and that has not changed. It will be expanding again soon though.

GDG: Where do you see the future of Hinson & Co.?

OP: We have a Fall collection about to launch, and a Spring collection to come, as well. We will be looking to expand our lighting collection too. We will be much better able to promote our contemporary lighting collection from MetalArte through our association with Donghia. For Mrs. MacDougall, we will be placing more of the collection throughout the U.S. and generate growth by tapping into new markets. And there still remain the international markets for us; particularly France and the UK where we have begun to make very nice inroads.

GDG: Who is a current interior designer who's aesthetic you most admire today?

OP: Certainly a more European aesthetic ranks higher for me, as some American decorators tend to do too much in my opinion. I prefer the less complicated.

GDG: What design style do you prefer in your own home?

OP: Overall, a subtly complex design of a home is the style that I most prefer. The one thing that must be respected, however, regardless of style, is the quality of products used. There is nothing worse than designing with cheap products. I would rather have fewer items but of higher quality than several items of lesser quality.

Check back with GoDesignGo tomorrow when we talk with Hinson & Co. founder, Harry Hinson.

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