Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Fall Market Buzz: Charlotte Moss Speaks Inspiration at Fabricut

Fabricut was packed to capacity for Charlotte Moss' presentation of luxury fabrics and unveiling of her collection with Fabricut. A book signing of her newest book, Charlotte Moss Decorates, which nearly sold out during her presentation, followed the event.

Charlotte began her discussion urging her audience to embrace the philosophy that she lives by: "to live passionately, decorate luxuriously and always, always entertain beautifully."

"My first collection through Fabricut stresses the decadence of life and the intimacy of fabrics," said Charlotte. "Decorating is about luxury and love for your home, your guests and the company you keep. Entertain brilliantly and love every minute of it!"

Charlotte unveiled her 100-sku collection, which was brimming with alluring wovens, divine prints and stunning trimmings in crisp, refreshing colorways. Charlotte's inspirations came to life in the form of fabrics and interiors in the Fabricut showroom as she went through the collection and shared the names of her fabrics, all of which were named after women.

"My inspiration came from the beautiful women around me," said Charlotte. "Not to mention, wicker baskets in my garage and everyday items, like Hamacas!"

Stay tuned for more on Fall Market Buzz at the DDB on GoDesignGo.

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