Thursday, March 25, 2010

Kips Bay townhouse sells before the showhouse. Now What?

So what does the country's leading design showhouse, Kips Bay,  do when their house gets sold? This is exactly what happened last week, when the Upper Westside townhouse, this year's slated Kips Bay Showhouse location, was sold for $19.5 million. With just six week s till go time, the rug was pulled out from underneath the leading designers involved, who were well into planning their rooms.  But the show must go on. The showhouse is going to be rescheduled for this fall, and we eagerly await the new location and design inspiration Kips Bay always provides.  Stay tuned for a new place and date!

1 comment:

  1. [...] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Erik Perez, Go Design Go. Go Design Go said: Kips Bay townhouse sells before the showhouse. Now What? ( [...]
