Wednesday, August 29, 2012

What did you do this summer, Tricia Guild?

This morning, we're catching up with Tricia Guild, who founded the terrific English textile house Designers Guild in 1970. We wanted to know how the queen of color spent her summer and what she's looking forward to about the fall. Tricia's lucky enough to spend the summer at her farmhouse in Tuscany, and she sent along this picture.

Here's what she had to what she's feeling now, and what she's looking forward to about the Fall season:
"‘The Saraille design from the new Pavonia wallpaper collection features a fabulous ombre shaded paper in five colorways, including one cobalt blue (pictured below) that is very reminiscent of the Tuscan sky, that vast expanse of deep blue that you can become lost in. The variety of rich vibrant greens in Tuscany from olive, oak and cypress trees and the stone frescoes have all inspired the color palette of the Pavonia saffron print in the Pavonia collection."

[Here are a couple of the other colorways:]

"After my summer break, I am dying to get back to a more focused and disciplined daily routine. I feel rejuvenated and refreshed and raring to go. September is always an exciting month in London as the city comes alive with lots of exhibitions celebrating design across the city and there is a real buzz in town. It is also the time when we launch our new fall collections in store and it is so fantastic to see the displays come together after so many months of hard work. With the completion and launch of one collection, it is then time to turn to the next launch and the whole cycle begins again."

Stop by and see all of Designers Guild at Osborne & Little at the DDB (Suite 520) and PDC (Suite B643), I.D. Collection at the DCH, and Ammon Hickson at the DCOTA (Suite B364).

1 comment:

  1. [...] Gold with Sky Poker This Summer! – (press release)What did you do this summer, Tricia Guild .set-header:after{ background-image: [...]
