Monday, April 16, 2012

Trade resource: Designer Attaché

Remember these faces--you'll be seeing a lot of them around the DDB. Brittany Marom and Nicole Villi met when they were assistants at the boutique firm Decor by Guillaume Gentet. When the economy started its downturn, and projects started to dry up, they found they weren't the only talent without full-time gigs. Designers simply couldn't afford the weekly expense of staff assistants, although they still needed their services. Designer Attaché was born at the start of this year. The scope of their work, based either on an hourly rate or flat-fee per project, includes Auto CAD drawings, social media management, client presentations, not to mention sample selections and tearsheeting, all of which is a life-saver to designers when it's crunch time--and relieves them of the financial burden when it isn't.

Marom and Villi credit their differing styles with their success. Marom skews more eclectic, towards natural, rustic and Parisian flea market finds, while Villi favors high-watt glamour and drama. Each can appreciate the other's taste, which has made theirs a perfect match.

Check back soon and see how Marom and Villi shop the building.