Friday, February 17, 2012

Where in the DDB?

Think you can guess which DDB showroom we snapped these two photographs in? Leave us a comment with your guess to show us how well you know the DDB. The answer will be in next week's Where in the DDB? post.

Hint: This company is known for being a technology-centered and people-driven company. As a private corporation guided by its founder’s simple but profound principles of caring for the customer, company, and people with value and innovation, the company has a long history of significant growth and smart innovations.

If you guessed the Maya Romanoff showroom for last week's Where in the DDB? post, you're right!


  1. [...] you guessed the Lutron showroom for last week's Where in the DDB? post, you're [...]

  2. [...] you guessed the Agostino showroom for last week's Where in the DDB? post, you're [...]
