Thursday, February 16, 2012

In the News: Fortuny Previews Malcolm James Kutner Pillow Collection (Part 2)

Malcolm James Kutner recently joined the Fortuny showroom in an intimate preview of his newest pillow collection with Fortuny. Here's more on the collaboration and Malcolm's finest work in 2012.

Malcolm showed off several of the pillow designs and pointed out the intricacies of his work.

"Many of the pillows that I made are stitched out of the same beautiful Fortuny fabric panel," said Malcolm. "However, it's not difficult to look at each of these pillows and tell that no two pillows look alike. I've made each pillow completely unique and as exquisite as the Fortuny fabric that it is made from."

For some of the pillows, Malcolm took more than one fabric and stitched them seamlessly together in order to create a new pattern out of the combined fabrics.

"Maury and I have gotten to know Malcolm pretty well over the past couple of years, and in hearing his thoughts about what Fortuny means to him and how he uses it, this collaboration seemed like a good fit," said Mickey Riad, co-owner of Fortuny, on behalf of him and his brother and partner, Maury Riad. "For us, we loved his approach and attention to detail in creating these pillows. His rule of using no outside trims or fabrics for this particular collection led to some very interesting and creative pillows. We love the way they turned out."

As the vino flowed and the conversation among the distinguished guests reverberated in the soft-lit room, it was clear that the Fortuny showroom, along with Malcolm James Kutner, had once again impressed its audience beyond any expectations. Knowing Fortuny fabrics to be so extraordinary without outside help only proved testament to Malcolm's craft and skill. Malcolm’s designs teach us that one must be able to have the imagination to play with what already is, in order to create something brilliantly different and unique!

View Malcolm James Kutner's newest pillow collection at the DDB's Fortuny showroom in Suite 1632 and tell us which pillows you love most.

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