Thursday, January 5, 2012

Guest Blogger: Julieta Talks Shop with Bradley Thiergartner (Part 2)

Guest Blogger and DesignIntake writer Julieta Alvarez continues her conversation with Holiday House showhouse designers Benjamin Bradley and David Thiergartner of Bradley Thiergartner Interiors. Here's more with Benjamin and David.

JA: What can’t you live without in your apartment?

BB: My down-filled Bridgewater sofa from George Smith!

DT: My Fortuny dining room light fixture from Stephanie Odegard!

JA: When it comes to holiday gift shopping, where do you go?

BT: David likes to shop year round at small, unique stores searching out gifts that fit each person individually. I [Benjamin] enjoy picking up gifts at antique stores, antique shows and small boutique stores while I travel. We both do a considerable amount of shopping for books, too.

JA: What gift tends to always be a success?

BB: Baked good wrapped in either vintage linens or packaged in vintage tins.

DT: Annie Glass and Roman Antique collection items. They fit most any style of entertaining and are both elegant and informal at the same time.

JA: If you had a “no budget” project with absolute design freedom, how would you decorate?

BT: We would both enjoy a project that is rooted in a traditional style but has an air of “today." We describe our style as Tailored Traditionalism and feel that we create timeless, personal interiors.  Our projects almost always begin with fine antiques as “foundation” pieces, custom upholstery, antique rugs and luxurious fabrics. We also love textures over patterns and use trims in a way that makes them meld into the fabric as opposed to stand out against it.

David would love to use Gracie wallpaper in a project, which allowed its usage in an unexpected, non-traditional manner. I, on the other hand, would love to be able to purchase an entire historic paneled room or boiserie and install it in a new construction project.

JA: What advice would you give people who are starting out in the design business?

BB: Absorb everything around you; there is design in all things that can be folded into your own design philosophy. Listen; it is your client’s home and not your own! And always experiment! You learn things by taking risks!

DT: Have patience, explore possibilities and challenge yourself and your taste level through experimentation.

JA: What are upcoming goals for the company in 2012?

BT: Our goal is to use our phrase “Notable Interiors and Tailored Design” as our guide. We would like to continue to hone our thoughts and visions about Tailored Traditionalism and try to broaden its reach as a legitimate interior design style.

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