Monday, October 31, 2011

In the News: Fortuny & L'OBJET Believe Life is Short; Art is Long

We can't get enough of the new tabletop and accessory collection by Fortuny and L'OBJET, which made its debut last week. The two brands teamed up to make a collection so stunning it deserved its own book. Elad Yifrach, creative director of L'OBJET shares on the new collaboration.

By Elad Yifrach

The artisans of Venice inspire us. At L'OBJET, we love not only the consummate craft, but also the artisan’s way of being. His life is a sumptuous tapestry of invention and delight, woven through his everyday experience.

Those who work within this ancient mosaic epitomize what fascinates L'OBJET about the Mediterranean world. Their carefully guarded secrets of technique have been handed down directly from the ancient world, one generation of skilled hand-crafters to the next, in an unbroken line with much finesse and untold thousands of innovations along the way. Even more than water flowing through the ancient city of Venice, it is civilization that flows, and the murmuring echoes of an impassioned humanity, living still as an inspiration to us all.

There is one who especially speaks to the heart of L'OBJET and that is the legendary fashion and textile designer Mariano Fortuny. Mariano Fortuny reveals a deep and kindred connection that transcends time and it is with this that the pattern and pace of this collaboration is set.

Life is short; art is long. In these objects you will soon hold in your hands, it is this we hope to capture, something ancient and mysterious, and intensely humane. Enjoy them and share them.

Stay tuned to GoDesignGo for more on when the collection comes to the DDB.

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