Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Fanny Haim & Associates on What Every Room Needs

Fanny Haim, a Columbian- born designer, is highly involved in the Miami design community  where her office  is based. As a member of ASID, she has received awards for her residential design and showhouse rooms.

What do you want your clients to feel when they walk into your rooms?

Identified. To me a job well done is when a client comes in on instillation day and says, "this is me". This is what I strive for.

Are you a trend follower or do you not pay attention to trends?

I ignore trends but welcome new product and innovative materials.
Do you read magazines and books, and if so what do you read?

I read voraciously, from historical novels to biography, a dew design and world affairs magazines.

Who is your design idol?

I have always admired John Saladino, Vicente Wolf, Christiane Liagre,  and Peter Marino

When did you know you wanted to be a designer?

I always knew I was going to be an artist. Design found me early on.

How would you define style?

It is one's world view, the outer manifestation of the inner self that dictates how we view ourselves and how we aspire to be viewed. It is a statement we make.

What are key components every room must have?

To me, balance, symmetry and or intentional asymmetry, central axis, a focal point, something with age and not everything out of  a catalog.

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