Wednesday, May 19, 2010

The D & D Spring Market Keynote on Quality and Craftsmanship

"Quality is something you see" said Bunny Williams at the start of the keynote panel kicking off the D & D's Spring Market. Luxe Magazine's Pamela Jaccarino started the panel conversation with a classic Chinese proverb--"Buy the best and you only cry once."  How true it is. She was joined by Bunny Williams, Creative Director of Lee Jofa Stephen Elrod, and designers Laura Kirar and Thomas Jayne. All agreed quality trumps everything, and take the time to see if a piece is as beautiful on the inside as it is on the inside. Well made quality pieces will increase in value. Thomas Jayne, an antique historian added, " It takes intelligence to mane quality applying materials well." Quality and craftsmanship is not a dying art, and all designers felt we need to embrace new materials and keep design innovations fresh and interesting. Their closing advice was similar. Laura Kirar said  this," Pick your foundation piece for a room and make sure it is high quality." If it has personal resonance and they  know they can live with it for a long time, your client should follow their instincts.

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