Monday, February 1, 2010

Good Advice from Bunny Williams and Bill Stubbs

When Bunny and Bill joined us to chat about luxury, they shared great advice. Bill's show changed the way a designer and the design community  came across the TV screen. His focus is on relationships, the people creating luxury everyday, and their stories. When speaking about their work and their clients, they agree that a happy client is going to tell someone else about you, and that word of mouth is everything. Both know how it is the little things that come together in the end. Details are essential to the design process, since, " You can lose a client over a lampshade", words of wisdom from Bunny's mentor, Sister Parish. When it comes to expanding your reach with branding and licensing, Bunny took her own route. She recently launched Beeline Home, her signature collection of furniture and accessories. She changed the way designer collections come to market.after deciding to produce everything on her own, rather than license her designs to an outside company. This way, if her name is on it, she makes sure it represents what she believes in. Bunny and Bill's parting words emphasized the importance of installing design projects all at once, for a dazzling effect. If a sofa and lamp are installed piecemeal, the client may focus on the particulars, yet if everything in a home is brought in at once, styled and made to feel like a home with candles lit, the client is sure to feel the magic of the designer's hard work and the way it looks as a whole.

Photo by Ángel Franco/The New York Times

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